Linux Weekly #2

📅 大事记

The 5.4 kernel has been released
Linus has released the 5.4 kernel. “Not a lot happened this last week, which is just how I like it”. Significant features in this release include the haltpoll CPU governor, the iocost (formerly io.weight) I/O controller, the EROFS filesystem, an implementation of the exFAT filesystem that may yet b…

Linus 发布了 Linux 内核 5.4 正式版,包括 haltpoll CPU governor、iocost I/O 控制器、EROFS 文件系统、exFAT 文件系统实现、fs-verity 文件完整性机制、支持 BPF 一次编译各处运行机制、dm-clone device mapper 目标、virtiofs 文件系统、 kernel lockdown 支持、kernel 符号名字空间、新的随机数生成器等多个功能。

Kali Linux 2019.4 Release
We are highly excited to announce our fourth and final release of 2019, Kali Linux 2019.4, which is available immediately for download.

主打安全为主的发行版 Kali Linux 2019.4 正式推出,它将 Xfce 作为默认桌面环境,引入了 Kali Undercover 模式,以及 NetHunter Kex 等等。

Ubuntu on Twitter
“Like limpets, there are still many thousands of you Cosmic Cuttlefish clinging on to #Ubuntu 18.10. Time to move on! It’s been End of Life 💀 for months now. Please re-install or upgrade to a supported release:”

Ubuntu 18.10 即将生命终结,如果你仍然在使用它的话,那么是时候升级或迁移到更新的版本了。

Grafana 6.5

tmux 3.0

netdata 1.19

💡 他山石

The Service Mesh: What Every Software Engineer Needs to Know about the World’s Most Over-Hyped Technology
In this guide I’m going to attempt to provide an honest, deep, engineer-focused guide to the service mesh. I’m going to cover not just the what but also the why and the why now. Finally, I’m going to attempt to describe why I think this particular technology has attracted such a crazy level of hype,…

关于服务网格,你需要知道什么?本文作者是 Linkerd 的创建者之一,他从 what、why、why now 三个层面对此进行了阐述,读罢定会豁然开朗。

Debugging network stalls on Kubernetes
In this deep-dive, we identified and worked through sporadic latency issues with services running on Kubernetes in our environment.

虽然微服务的部署得到了简化,但其调试过程却变得愈加复杂和困难。且看 GitHub 的工程师们如何在 Kubernetes 上调试网络问题,相信可以给你带来一些启发。

5 Things I’ve Learned in 20 Years of Programming
This year, I’ve become increasingly acquainted with the DEV platform. It’s a refreshingly positive oasis in the large sea of angry Reddit commenters and “well actually” connoisseurs that is the broader software world. One interesting facet of this community is that it seems pretty beginner-heavy. …

作者通过 20 年编程学到的 5 件事。

A beginner’s guide to network troubleshooting in Linux
Every system administrator needs to have at least a basic understanding of network troubleshooting. And the first rule of network troubleshooting to remember is, “Packets don’t lie.”

根据 TCP/IP 层模型来对 Linux 网络问题进行故障排查。

Bash bang commands: A must-know trick for the Linux command line
Your bash history maintains a record of the commands you’ve entered. Here’s how to make good use of that record.

必知的 Linux 命令行省时大招,如果你还不了解 ! 的用法,那么现在就开始阅读这篇文章。

🔧 百宝箱

Open Source Password Management Solutions | Bitwarden
Bitwarden is a free and open source password management solution for individuals, teams, and business organizations.


Postwoman • API request builder
The Postwoman API request builder helps you create your requests faster, saving you precious time on your development.

Postwoman:HTTP 请求构建工具,Postman 的免费替代品,既快又好看。(Web)