Linux Weekly #16

📅 大事记

开源音乐播放器 Audacious 4.0 从 GTK 切换到了 Qt 5。

💡 他山石

Speeding up Linux disk encryption:尽管数据加密在现代互联网公司是必备。然而,很多公司并不加密磁盘,因为他们担心加密影响性能。本文研究了 Linux 上磁盘加密的性能,并通过改造将其提升至两倍快。

Speeding up Linux disk encryption
Encrypting data at rest is vital for Cloudflare with more than 200 data centres across the world. In this post, we will investigate the performance of disk encryption on Linux and explain how we made it at least two times faster for ourselves and our customers!

Things you can do with a browser in 2020:在浏览器中能做的事,比较鲜为人知的特性。

Things you can do with a browser in 2020 ☕️. Contribute to luruke/browser-2020 development by creating an account on GitHub.

7 Terminal Commands That Will Just Make You Smile:Linux 命令行不只严肃的工作,当然也包含能够令你一笑的有趣事物。

7 Terminal Commands That Will Just Make You Smile
Shell command is a powerful tool for improving a developer’s productivity. There are also some really funny command tools that will make you smile after a long day of work. toilet can be used to…

“Let’s use Kubernetes!” Now you have 8 problems:本文讨论了 Kubernetes 为何不适合小团队。

“Let’s use Kubernetes!” Now you have 8 problems
If you’re using Docker, the next natural step seems to be Kubernetes, aka K8s: that’s how you run things in production, right? Well, maybe. Solutions designed for 500 software engineers working on the same application are quite different than solutions for 50 software engineers. And both will be dif…

Essential Free Software for Remote Work:本文介绍了一些可以用在远程工作中的自由软件。

Essential Free Software for Remote Work – Purism
Purism — Private and Secure Hardware, Software, and Services

How FZF and ripgrep improved my workflow:利用 fzfrg 来改进工作流,有一些很好的用例。

How FZF and ripgrep improved my workflow
In my never ending quest for simplicity I recently discovered FZF and ripgrep. Two command-line tools that have the potential to make every dag programming tasks easier. In this post I will explain how I use these tools to do things in a matter of keystrokes rather than having to re-google that comm…

Please don't write your documentation in Markdown:请不要使用 Markdown 编写文档,为什么?

Please don’t write your documentation in Markdown
Please don’t write your documentation in Markdown. Please. I’m begging you. Markdown is tolerable for short documentation, like a Past that, it’s...

How to sign and distribute container images using Podman:利用 Podman 签名并分发容器镜像。

libpod is a library used to create container pods. Home of Podman. - containers/libpod

Highlights from Git 2.26:Git 新版 2.26 的新特性介绍。

Highlights from Git 2.26
Take a look at some of the new features in the latest Git release.

Using Org-mode as a PostgreSQL client:将 Org-mode 作为 PostgreSQL 的客户端使用。

How you can manage the i3 window manager on multiple computers:当在多台电脑使用 i3 时,比较麻烦的是需要维护多份配置文件。本文通过编写 shell 脚本来解决这个问题,将手动维护变成自动生成。

How do Unix pipes work?:介绍管道的工作原理,包含 Python 和 Go 代码示例。

Illustrated jq tutorialjq 用法例解。

🔧 百宝箱

hostctl:管理 /etc/hosts 的命令行工具,不仅可以对主机名分组,而且能按需启用或禁用,真专业!

Manage your hosts file like a pro! Contribute to guumaster/hostctl development by creating an account on GitHub.

ffcms:使 FFmpeg 的 -filter_complex 变简单。

FFmpeg’s `-filter_complex` made simple. Contribute to stryku/ffcms development by creating an account on GitHub.