📅 大事记

systemd 245 正式发布,其最大的变化是增加了管理用户主目录的 systemd-homed

systemd 245 released
Systemd 245 is out. As usual, the list of new features is long; perhaps the one that has gained the most attention is systemd-homed: A small new service systemd-homed.service has been added, that may be used to securely manage home directories with built-in encryption. The co…

💡 他山石

The History of the URL:这篇说 URL 历史的文章谈了与它有关的 DNS、协议、端口、查询参数、认证等各种细节,可说十分详尽了。一些冷知识:第一个 TLD 是 .arpa、xn-- 开头的域名表示已编码、URL 中的 // 来自于 Apollo 计算系统。

The History of the URL
On the 11th of January 1982 twenty-two computer scientists met to discuss an issue with ‘computer mail’ (now known as email). Attendees included the guy who would create Sun Microsystems, the guy who made Zork, the NTP guy, and the guy who convinced the government to pay for Unix.

Managed Kubernetes Price Comparison (2020):托管 Kubernetes 费用比较,包括 GKE、EKS、AKS 及 DO。

Managed Kubernetes Price Comparison (2020)
TL;DR: Azure and Digital Ocean don’t charge for the compute resources used for the control plane, making AKS and DO the cheapest for running many, smaller clusters. For running fewer, larger clusters GKE is the most affordable option. Also, running on spot/preemptible/low-priority nodes or long-term…

Clear Your Terminal in Style:别具风味的终端清屏。

Clear Your Terminal in Style - Adam.
You know you wanna look :)

What happens behind the scenes of a rootless Podman container? 对于 Podman 非 root 容器的内幕解释。

What happens behind the scenes of a rootless Podman container?
Have you ever wondered what happens behind the scenes of a rootless Podman container? Let’s walk through an example.

The growth of command line options, 1979-Present:这篇文章统计了常用命令的选项从 1979 至今的增加情况,tar 有 100 多个,ls、cp 也有几十个。发展下来感觉与 UNIX 所推崇的 KISS 出入更大了。

🔧 百宝箱

Raspberry Pi Imager:树莓派官方新发布的用于将系统镜像轻易写到 microSD 卡的工具。该工具既支持 Raspbian,也能写其它系统,可在 Linux、macOS、Windows 等系统运行。

Introducing Raspberry Pi Imager, our new imaging utility - Raspberry Pi
Flash Raspbian to your SD card with the Raspberry Pi Imager, our brand new imaging utility. Download it free today!

Monitoror:看起来不错的监视墙,一处之地,监视所有服务。内建支持 Jenkins、GitHub、Azure DevOps、Travis CI 等流行服务。

Monitoror — Unified monitoring wallboard
Monitoror is a wallboard monitoring app to monitor server status; monitor CI builds progress or even display critical values

Dangerzone:将危险的 PDF、文档、图像转换成安全的 PDF。

Take potentially dangerous PDFs, office documents, or images and convert them to a safe PDF - firstlookmedia/dangerzone

GuiLite:5 千行 C++ 代码,单一头文件,全平台 GUI 库。

✔️The smallest header-only GUI library(5 KLOC) for all platforms - idea4good/GuiLite