Linux Weekly #13

📅 大事记

Android 史上最大的 Firefox 浏览器更新即将登场,包括浏览速度更快、预设资料保密、支持扩展、使用收藏整理标签、一键进入隐私模式、亮色和暗色主题等。

The 7 best things about the new Firefox browser for Android – The Firefox Frontier
The biggest ever update to the Firefox browser for Android is on its way later this spring with faster speeds and more privacy protections. Here’s what else you can look forward to.

GIMP 2.10.18 full review:一篇新近发布的 GIMP 2.10.18 的详细评测。

Coming soon: A new site for fully free collaboration:FSF(即自由软件基金会)计划在今年推出公开的代码托管及协作平台,该平台将具有合并请求、bug 跟踪以及其它常用工具。

💡 他山石

Home Lab Beginners guide – Hardware:非常详细的家用实验室硬件介绍。

Home Lab Beginners guide - Hardware
Until recently, and for well over the past decade, my wife and I have been nomads. Moving from the Caribbean to Miami, New York, Las Vegas, Vancouver, and

Stack Overflow is leaking user emails:作者通过 Stack Overflow 默认的用户配置发现它使用了 Gravatar 服务,再通过 Gravatar 的地址进行 MD5 反推,最终解析出用户的 Email 地址。

Stack Overflow is leaking user emails
I am developing a “Google Alerts” for developers service GitSpo. I have not figured out exactly what it is, but it is growing fast and people are liking it. A big part of GitSpo is aggregating data…

How 1500 bytes became the MTU of the internet:以太网的 MTU(最大传输单元)为什么是 1500 字节?本文对此进行了解释,其中既有历史的因素(如当时硬件的限制),也有基于效率的考量。

🔧 百宝箱

Hacker laws:这个仓库收录了对开发人员有用的常见定律、原则以及模式的解释。比如:康威定律、墨菲定律、帕累托法则、SOLID、DRY、KISS 原则等等。

💻📖 Laws, Theories, Principles and Patterns that developers will find useful. #hackerlaws - dwmkerr/hacker-laws

Updog:非常简单且开箱即用的 Web 服务器,除了支持上传下载之外,还具有密码访问、SSL 等功能。用来搭临时 Web 服务器不错。

Updog is a replacement for Python’s SimpleHTTPServer. It allows uploading and downloading via HTTP/S, can set ad hoc SSL certificates and use http basic auth. - sc0tfree/updog

IRedis:基于终端的 Redis 客户端,具有代码自动补全、语法高亮、命令验证等不错的功能。

Interactive Redis: A Terminal Client for Redis with AutoCompletion and Syntax Highlighting. - laixintao/iredis

xnu-qemu-arm64:该项目 fork 自官方的 QEMU 仓库,其目的是在 QEMU 上运行 iOS 操作系统。

Contribute to alephsecurity/xnu-qemu-arm64 development by creating an account on GitHub.