Linux Weekly #11

📅 大事记

KDE Plasma 5.18.0 LTS 放出,KDE Plasma 桌面升级到全新版本,使通知更加清晰,设置更加流畅,新增 Emoji 选择器和全局编辑模式等等。

KDE Plasma 5.18: More Convenient and with Long Term Stability
Plasma 5.18 adds an emoji selector, user feedback capabilties, a global edit mode and improves and expands System Settings, the Discover software manager, widgets, GTK integration and much more.

Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS 发布,LTS 为长期支持版本,该版本包含硬件栈以支持更新的硬件,服务器版本默认安装 GA kernel,以及重要的安全更新。

Firefox 73.0 推出,新增全局默认缩放级别设置和“readability backplate”来改善可读性。

💡 他山石

How to run Podman on Windows with WSL2:利用 WSL 2 (Windows Subsystem for Linux) 在 Windows 10 上运行 Podman。

How to run Podman on Windows with WSL2
Want to run Podman on Windows 10? You can, thanks to the latest Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) 2.0 implementation.

PiNAS - the Raspberry Pi NAS:利用树莓派打造低成本 NAS 存储方案,手把手教学。优点:小巧、容易构建、且设置简单。

PiNAS - the Raspberry Pi NAS
PiNAS - the Raspberry Pi NAS: Intro:This instructable describes the build of a very compact Raspberry Pi powered two bay network attached storage (NAS).Features: Super small Easy to build Simple setup Cheap Perfect for learning about network, file system, security mechani...

Writing Safe Shell Scripts:本文是有关编写更安全的 shell 脚本的建议,值得一读。

Writing Safe Shell Scripts
MIT Student Information Processing Board

Supercharge your command line experience: GitHub CLI is now in beta:GitHub 最终推出了官方命令行客户端。

Supercharge your command line experience: GitHub CLI is now in beta - The GitHub Blog
We want your feedback about GitHub’s new command line tool that makes it easier to work with GitHub and reduce friction for many of your common workflows.

Pigz – Compress And Decompress Files In Parallel In Linux:pigz 是 gzip 的并行化实现,它利用多处理器和多核来快速压缩或解压。

Pigz - Compress And Decompress Files In Parallel In Linux - OSTechNix
Pigz, is a free, open source multi-threaded compression utility to compress and decompress files in parallel in Linux operating system.

7 Open Source Cloud Security Tools You Should Know:本文介绍了 7 个开源的云安全工具。

7 Open Source Cloud Security Tools You Should Know
Our favorite open source security tools, and a summary of how they help security teams detect anomalies and malicious activity

systemd Home Directories

🔧 百宝箱

CutiePi:这个项目提供配套的硬件和软件把树莓派变成一个移动的平板设备,可以享受 DIY 的乐趣。此外,该项目中包括电路图、PCB、驱动程序、固件、以及 UI 等所有内容都开源。

CutiePi tablet - Your Pi Projects, Untethered
Liberate your Raspberry Pi project from the desk, and start creating, wherever.

ShellCheck:很棒的 shell 脚本静态分析工具,它支持 bash/sh,能够指出典型的语法及语义问题。对于编写可移植、更安全的 shell 脚本颇有帮助。

ShellCheck, a static analysis tool for shell scripts - koalaman/shellcheck


🔡 Very customizable and minimal font previewer written in bash - sdushantha/fontpreview

k14s:一组遵循 Unix 哲学而创建的 Kubernetes 工具,包括:

  • ytt:YAML 模板工具
  • kbld:处理 Kubernetes 配置文件中所用的容器镜像
  • kapp:简单的 Kubernetes 应用部署工具