📅 大事记

Fedora CoreOS 可以 GA 了,它合并自 Fedora Atomic Host 和 CoreOS Container Linux,具有自动升级、Linux 5.4、systemd 243、Ignition 2.1、通过 Podman 1.7 和 Moby 18.09 支持 OCI 及 Docker 容器、默认启用 cgroups v1、cgroups v2 可配等亮点。

Fedora CoreOS out of preview - Fedora Magazine
Fedora CoreOS is a new Fedora Edition built specifically for running containerized workloads securely and at scale. It’s now available for general use.

Wine 5.0 已经正式发布,主要改进包括内置 PE 格式模块、支持多台显示器、重新实现了 XAudio2、以及 Vulkan 1.1 支持等。

💡 他山石

想学 Java 编程而不得要领?这张 2020 Java 开发者路线图将给你有用的参考。

The 2020 Java Developer RoadMap
A blog about Java, Programming, Algorithms, Data Structure, SQL, Linux, Database, Interview questions, and my personal experience.

Git 2.25 中新增的 sparse-checkout 命令看起来对大型单体仓库很有优势。既不必克隆整个仓库,又可以 checkout 特定的目录,很不错。

  • git clone --no-checkout
  • git sparse-checkout init --cone
  • git sparse-checkout set <dir>
Bring your monorepo down to size with sparse-checkout
Git 2.25.0 includes a new experimental git sparse-checkout command that makes the existing feature easier to use, along with some important performance benefits for large repositories.

systemd 服务沙箱及安全加固入门。

systemd service sandboxing and security hardening 101
The systemd-analyze security command gives your systemd service units an automated security rating. This is a good starting point for security hardening.

在 Google Chrome 或新的 Microsoft Edge (版本 76+) 浏览器中捕获网络流量记录很简单。

  1. 进入 chrome://net-export
  2. 点击 Start Logging to Disk button,并保存文件
  3. 重现网络问题
  4. 点击 Stop Logging
Capture Network Logs from Edge and Chrome
Problems in accessing websites can often be found and fixed if the network traffic between the browser and the website is captured as the problem occurs. This short post explains how to capture suc…

FreeBSD is an amazing operating system:历数了 FreeBSD 的种种优点,让人忍不住想要试一试。

curl HTTP cheat sheet:curl HTTP 速查表。

🔧 百宝箱

RSSHub Radar:在 Google Reader 关闭后,我一直使用自架的 Tiny Tiny RSS 阅读 RSS 内容。最近发现了 RSSHub Radar 这个浏览器扩展,通过它可以一键订阅当前网站的 RSS,非常方便。该扩展支持 Firefox 和 Chrome。

🍰 Browser extension that simplifies finding and subscribing RSS and RSSHub - DIYgod/RSSHub-Radar


line art image renderer. Contribute to lucashadfield/speck development by creating an account on GitHub.