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📅 大事记

Debian reconsiders init-system diversity
Many community-based Linux distributions have made the decision to switch to systemd, and most of those decisions were accompanied by lengthy, sometimes acrimonious mailing-list discussions. No distribution had a harder time of it than Debian, though, where arguments raged through much of 2013 befor…

很多 Linux 发行版都将 init 系统切换到了 systemd,其中也包含 Debian。然而,最近 Debian 的项目负责人提出了一项 Debian 需要支持其它 init 系统的决议。作为 Debian 的老用户,对此,我举双手赞成。虽然社区讨论已经展开,但是最终的决定尚未作出。让我们拭目以待吧。

Linux Kernel Release Announcements
Linux Kernel Annoucements Archive

Linux 内核的维护者 Greg Kroah-Hartman 已经发布了一波稳定 Kernel 的新版本,包括 5.3.12、4.19.85、4.14.155。这些版本包含针对旧版本的修正,用户应当升级。

2.81 — blender.org
The much anticipated update of the Blender 2.80 milestone is here! With over a thousand fixes and several important updates that were planned for the 2.8 series. Most notable are the sculpting tools overhaul, support for NVIDIA RTX ray tracing in Cycles, Intel Open Image denoising, a better outliner…

开源 3D 制作软件 Blender 发布 2.81 版本,包括改进雕塑工具、Cycles 支持 NVIDIA RTX 光线跟踪、Intel Open Image 去噪、新的文件浏览器、以及大纲视图等等。

💡 他山石

The Language Agnostic, All-Purpose, Incredible, Makefile
I like to use Makefiles. I like to use Makefiles in Java. I like to use Makefiles in Erlang. I like to use Makefiles in Elixir. And most recently, I like to use Makefiles in Ruby. I think you, too, would like to use Makefiles in your environment, and the engineering community would benefit if more o…

也许你会疑惑 make 如此古老的东西是否仍然值得学用。我使用它主要基于两点:容易取用,在任何 Linux 系统都可以找到;入门简单,看半小时介绍就能上手。

Working with GitHub Actions
GitHub Actions are still in beta and are changing quickly. But if you are looking to get started the possibilities are endless.

如果你想要自动化 GitHub 工作流,那么这份指南值得认真看看,它以 TypeScript 作为例子。

Packet sniffer basics for network troubleshooting
Capturing packets with a free tool like tcpdump is an essential skill that you need to acquire as a sysadmin. Anthony Critelli shows you the ropes.

在需要排查网络故障的情况下,tcpdump 依然是必不可少的工具。

How to build tiny container images
Here are 5 ways to optimize Linux container size and build small images.

如果你发现自己构建的容器镜像体积太大,那么就很有必要用用上面的 5 个花招来“瘦身”了。

Linux Observability with BPF | Sysdig
Want to master the BPF virtual machine in the Linux Kernel?

《Linux Observability with BPF》是利用 BPF 来观测和修改 Linux 内核的实用指南。感谢 Sysdig,现在你可以免费获取这本由 O'Reilly 出版的电子书。

🔧 百宝箱

Sourcetrail - The open-source cross-platform source explorer
Sourcetrail uses static analysis to provide code search and dependency visualization that lets you understand, refactor and maintain unfamiliar source code.

最近开源的 Sourcetrail 是一款相当不错的源代码浏览工具。它通过静态分析 C、C++、Java、Python 源代码,并以可交互的可视化图形呈现,在如此方式下探索源代码定会效率大增。(Linux/macOS/Windows)

Joplin - a note taking and to-do application with synchronization capabilities for Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. Forum: https://discourse.joplinapp.org/ - laurent22/joplin

想用 Markdown 做笔记,亦或管理待做任务?不妨来试试 Joplin。笔记不仅可加密、可搜索、可打标签、可从 Evernote 导入,而且能同步到 Nextcloud、Dropbox、OneDrive 等云服务。(Linux/macOS/Windows/Android/iOS)

A free-range, non-GMO fork of busybox in 100% Rust 🦀 - samuela/rustybox

RustyBox 是使用 Rust 编程语言对 BusyBox 的重写。lsmounttop 等所有你喜欢的命令都包含在一个二进制文件中,极其轻量。(Linux)

